Tell your company story 

Brand story videos are effective marketing tools

In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, effective marketing is crucial for success. Consumers are inundated with information and advertisements, making it challenging for businesses to stand out. However, one marketing tool that has proven to be exceptionally powerful in creating a strong emotional connection with the audience is brand story videos. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of incorporating brand story videos into your marketing strategy and how they can help your business thrive.

But first of all, what is a brand story video?

Simply put, brand story videos tell the story of your business. Typically lasting between 60 seconds to two minutes, a brand story video provides potential clients with insights into your company's values and motivations, allowing them to relate to your brand on a personal level.

Here is one great example: The Vintage AFL Jumper Co.

factory worker grinding steel

Source: unsplash

Five reasons why:

1. The Power of Emotional Connection

Unlike traditional marketing tactics, brand story videos focus on storytelling rather than pushing products or services. By appealing to emotions and creating relatable narratives, brand story videos humanise your business and make it more approachable to your target audience. This emotional connection fosters trust and loyalty, encouraging customers to choose your brand over competitors.

2. Interactive and Shareable Content 

Brand story videos engage customers on multiple levels, utilising sight, sound, and storytelling to leave a lasting impression. These videos are also highly shareable on social media platforms, allowing your message to reach a broader audience organically. With people spending significant time watching videos online, brand story videos have become a powerful way to expand your social reach.

3. Conveying the Key Elements of Your Business

A successful brand story video highlights crucial elements that define your business:

Who: Address your ideal client, catering to their needs and preferences.

When: Share relatable aspects of your company's history or journey.

Why: Emphasise your company's values and motivations, resonating with socially-conscious consumers.

What: Clearly explain your products and services, focusing on how they solve customer problems.

Where: Provide a clear call-to-action for customers to connect with your brand.

combine harvester on a farm at sunset

Source: unsplash

4. Memorable and Informative 

Brand story videos are memorable and impactful because they tap into the power of storytelling. By narrating your business journey or success stories, customers can easily remember and recall your brand when they need your products or services. Additionally, these videos efficiently educate customers about your offerings, saving them from scrolling through buckets of text.

5. Expanding Your Brand's Reach 

As consumers increasingly turn to video content, leveraging brand story videos allows you to distinguish your company from competitors effectively. At draftpic, we ensure your video is of high quality, resonates with your audience and reinforces your brand's identity.

To sum it all up

In the digital age, the art of storytelling has evolved through brand story videos, providing businesses with an exceptional marketing tool. By creating emotional connections, sharing compelling narratives, and showcasing the essence of your brand, these videos can significantly impact your business's growth and customer reach.

Remember, your story is what sets your brand apart, making brand story videos an essential investment in your marketing strategy. Embrace the power of storytelling through brand story videos to grow your business and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Get in touch today to unlock the full potential of your brand's story!


Corporate Video Strategy


Five reasons your business needs video