Livestream Video

Livestream Video Production

A man presenting at a conference being livestreamed

Livestreaming is the act of transmitting media over the internet that is both recorded and broadcasted in real time. The ability to live stream has expanded significantly in recent years, with advancements in technology and audience engagement.

Draftpic can help you create a customised livestream event that represents your brand and draws in your target audience.

Our livestreaming packages include all the tools and know-how required to execute a professional production with branding, streaming technology, and creative direction.

Why should I pick a livestream video?

Livestream event product presentation with audience watching

Draftpic’s livestreaming services gives your business a simple method to quickly connect with your audience.

Livestreaming can help your business reach a larger audience over multiple platforms and allows for real-time engagement with live chat services.

With the help of livestreaming, you can present your event in a polished manner on sites like YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo.

Grow your business with video

bar graph inserted into computer monitor displaying growth icon

Improve your SEO

Video is one of the most powerful tools to improve SEO ranking. Direct more traffic to your site and increase engagement by incorporating video into your marketing strategy.

Horseshoe magnet with lightning bolt icon

Reach your audience

Engage your audience and tell your story in a compelling and dynamic way. Impactful videos allow you to connect with your audience and communicate your message.

fireworks bang centered in webpage icon

Keep them interested

Video content, especially social media, is not only shareable but also highly watchable, allowing your business to reach a larger audience and boost your brand recognition.

dollar symbol inserted inside two half sphere line with arrow heads turning clockwise

Grow your ROI

Engaging, educational, or entertaining videos draw in your target audience, boosting brand awareness and customer engagement and therefore sales.

Livestream video it is!

Contact us today to get the ball rolling.