Present to camera - tips & tricks

vector graphic of characters presenting to camera

Your Guide to a Confident On-Camera Debut for Real Estate Professionals

For many real estate professionals, the idea of appearing in video content can be nerve-wracking. The thought of standing there in front of a camera and potentially another person from your team watching you as you talk to camera can be debilitating. However, the world of video production is much more welcoming than you might think and unlike the days of film you get as many tries as you want. We created this guide to debunk myths and provide tips to help real estate professionals embrace video production with confidence. It's a collaborative and rewarding process that anyone can master.

1. The Power of Professional Guidance

Professional video production for real estate requires professional guidance so partnering with a skilled production team like Draftpic Video Production can make a significant difference. Our expertise ensures you feel comfortable and brings out your best on camera. We guide you through scripting, directing, and every step in between, helping you create compelling real estate videos that engage and inform your audience.

bst of rural real estate videography piece to camera

2. Scripting and Rehearsal

Keyword: Real estate video scripting

Before filming, you'll have ample time for scripting and rehearsal. This means you can practice your lines and delivery until you feel at ease. With a well-crafted script, you’ll know exactly what to say and when, ensuring your real estate video communicates your message clearly and effectively.

3. Friendly and Supportive Crew

Our supportive video production crew is there to make you shine. They create a welcoming atmosphere, ensuring you feel relaxed and supported. It's all about teamwork, and you’re an essential part of the team. A supportive crew helps you feel more comfortable, allowing you to focus on delivering your best performance. The best way to get through any video shoot that involves people talking to camera is preparation. It’s not about remembering your lines perfectly it’s having someone there to help remind you of the key points you’ve prepared and simply using them as talking points.

real estate agent speaking to camera

4. Multiple Takes (No Pressure!)

The greatest part of all of this is, we can do multiple takes in video production!

We want to be able to do multiple takes, as a matter of fact. Even if we get it perfect we’ll still do another take. The way we explain this is it’s like playing a piece of music on an instrument. It’s okay to make mistakes when you’re presenting to camera, just like hitting the wrong note on an instrument. But just like a song you’re trying to play through, just go back to the top and try again. There’s no need to worry about getting everything perfect in one go. You can redo scenes until they are exactly what you’re after, ensuring the final product is polished and professional.

5. Editing Magic

Video editing for real estate is where the magic happens. It’s actually incredible these days what you can get away with or fix in editing. For example, any minor slips or stumbles can be easily corrected. Editors can trim, splice, and enhance footage to create a seamless final product. The audio can be mastered and voice isolated to get incredible sound from almost any voice recording thanks to editing software from Blackmagic design. This process ensures your real estate video looks professional and communicates your message without distractions.

6. Be Yourself

Authentic real estate videos are only possible when the best on-screen performances come from being authentic. There’s no need to put on a persona. Being genuine is key to connecting with your audience. The most common issue you’ll confront is sounding scripted. This is when it simply sounds like you are reading from a page. Most people have a very strong sense for what’s genuine and when a person talking to them is actually engaged. People connect with people and while you are looking into a camera you are really have a conversation with your viewer, someone you’ll build trust with. So be yourself.

7. Dress to Impress

On-camera attire for real estate professionals is definitely something you should strongly consider and not for the reasons you might initially think. Unfortunately, cameras can introduce artifacts into our images and the culprit are patterns. Below is an image to help understand the types of patterns we are talking about. But it’s not just stripes, it’s any complex pattern.

large collection of thumbnails images displaying results for striped shirt

Our suggestion is it to opt for solid colors over patterns to keep the focus on you. Avoid clothes with logos to prevent distractions. Choose comfortable attire that boosts your confidence. For green screen shoots, avoid green clothing. Dressing appropriately helps you feel more confident and ensures the focus remains on your message.


What you see in the image above is moiré, the unwanted effect created by all but the most expensive cinema cameras. So there is no real way to get around it other than dressing appropriately for it. If you want do do a deep dive into what moiré is have a read here.

8. Your Message Matters

Real estate video messaging matters, so remember, you’re on camera to share valuable information. Focusing on the importance of your message can help alleviate nervousness. Whether you're showcasing a property or discussing market trends, your insights are valuable to your audience. If you feel confident about what you’re presenting you can just relax and all you need to focus on is practicing your message.

9. Practice Makes Perfect

Practice is key to getting the performance you’re after. This is all about training yourself the correct way. When you do a read-through begin at the start and go all the way through until the end. The problem most people encounter is that they make a mistake in a read and immediately go back to the start to try again instead of reading though the mistake and finishing the script. What you’re unknowingly doing by starting over is teaching yourself to stop at the point where you made a mistake. Best practice is read through like it’s live, and make sure to keep going through and then try again. You might need to do multiple reads but you will get there.

With each video production experience, you’ll become more comfortable in front of the camera. Over time, what once felt daunting may become second nature. Regular practice helps you refine your on-camera presence and improve your delivery.

10. A Collaborative Process

Video production is a collaborative endeavor. You’re part of a team working together to create something meaningful. Your input and ideas are valued, making it a shared creative journey. Collaboration ensures that the final product aligns with your vision and effectively communicates your message. In pre-production we can provide a structure as a starting point and from there it can be developed. There are common ways to do this and we can share those insights but as always we welcome new ideas and it only gets easier when you have ideas to share with us too. Below is an example real estate video script. This is optimised for agencies that offer rural real estate listings.

Rural Real Estate Video | Script 


Hi, I’m - Name 

From - Company

Welcome to - Address 

We are situated on - X acres, type of land (farming, grazing etc)  

This property is perfect for - (short answer)

Come and have a look around 


We are located near - Key locations 

Only xx kms and a xx minute/hour drive to - nearest town 

Local amenities - local attractions, services etc

Featuring sweeping views to - i.e. the (town name here)

Speak to the beauty of the property

Describe a walkthrough of the location

  1. How you enter (location and access)

  2. When you enter what you’ll see

  3. What’s to the sides and in the middle

  4. Where that leads to in the property 

  5. Describe the shape of the land (i.e. we sit high on….)

  6. From here you have views to 

This land is perfect for - long answer (i.e. particular crops or usages)

The land has zoning for - i.e. housing, commercial uses etc


As you can see this is the perfect - sum up key features 

Thanks for watching

For an inspection, give me a call today on - phone number 

Or to check open times go to - Website 

We hope to hear from you soon 

11. Celebrate Your Achievements

Once the video is complete, take a moment to celebrate your achievement. You’ve conquered any initial fears and contributed to a powerful piece of content. Recognizing your success helps build confidence for future video projects.

Conclusion: Embrace the Opportunity

At Draftpic Video Production, we’re committed to making the video production process enjoyable and rewarding for real estate professionals. Our goal is to bring your vision to life, ensuring you look and feel your best on camera.

So, don’t let the lights and cameras intimidate you. Embrace the opportunity to share your message, story, or expertise through video. With the right team by your side, you’ll find that video production is a creative journey filled with growth, collaboration, and newfound confidence.

Ready to take the spotlight? Contact Draftpic Video Production today and start your video production journey with confidence.


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